Flickering City


There is a wrong note in the piano part of the score, but I can’t fix it because I lost the Lilypond source. I fixed the error in the piano version’s score.

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Fantasy Dance


Fantasy Dance is a fairly liberal arrangement of a piano song of the same name by Robert Schumann. The opening is a paraphrase of the original piano piece. The ending sounds like Halo. I had fun with my orchestral sounds with this one.

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Unnamed #59


I’m not finished with this one yet. I don’t know whether I ever will be.

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Edelwitz is an arrangement of Edelweiss from “The Sound of Music”. “witz” is the German word for “joke”. I think you’ll get it if you listen to the whole piece. The first half is kind-of a joke too, but it probably won’t be obvious to those without musical knowledge.

If you don’t get the first half, it goes through about 4 different keys, 2 time signatures, and it’s just about the sappiest thing ever. If you don’t get the second half, you either have no sense of humor or you’ve never heard the original Edelweiss.

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